Sunday, May 31, 2009

The starting point

Seems like the start of the southern hemisphere's winter is about the best time going to get a new blog. So by the time I get this published it'll be 01 June 09 and if you haven't got your lambswool lined underwear out, gently washed, fluffed and ready to go - well you should have !!!! Much less is not natural here in winter in Melbourne Australia.

From the half century of my history this column could include anything from music theatre, opera, electro and trance music or the odd jazz reference. There might be stuff about books, friends and slightly left of centre politically UN-correct or incorrect comment. GLBTI things may be prominent! Mono theisetic religions may also get recognition from time to time and it's unlikely to be favourable. You might get a laugh and be interested, you might think me wrong, but stay around anyway.

Then again you be bored or you might hate what I say. Thats OK though, you will not miss me when you don't return will you? And you certainly won't have time to be offended.

So stay tuned in the future and see what happens.