Saturday, December 19, 2009

Climate Change, Style, More Maureen


In Copenhagen the big Climate Change Conference has just wrapped up today. For a subject that is very important, believing in its current definition or not depending on your point of view, there is a typical, shameful human apathy. There is a typical human politics and price approach. Yes Folks it’s sadly all about politics, money and trust, or rather the lack of trust. You might be fervent in your belief the world is going to flood or parch. You might be a sceptic, not always an unhealthy approach, or you might be a disbeliever, which in my view makes very you stupid.

Yes folks we may or may not dry out or flood the planet but we sure as hell are polluting the shit out of it. And worse still we seem to be happy to be political about it rather than practically active. Let’s face it, if we act on pollution, diminishing natural non-renewable resources and ridiculous over population. we are acting on climate change. Maybe we are just going to start to clean up our filth and look for better ways to do things. There may be no greenhouse effect but there is filth.

Am I saying not to mine for iron ore or oil? No. Am I saying don’t tamper with genetics in any way? No. Am I saying don’t breed? No. Am I saying we could keep our planet going forever?
Hell Yes

Does it have to cost $100 billion? Probably not but it isn’t free. In the late 1960s I was in junior high school. We did a 13 stop pollution check on Melbourne’s Yarra River taking water samples, counting litter over square yards and learning what that meant. 30 years later we know what that means and we’ve cleaned up the river a bit. In London during the same period they’ve taken major steps to clean up the Thames. In Bhopal India the remnants of one of the worst industrial accidents on the planet hasn’t been cleaned up. 20 years later the land and the people suffer appallingly to this day.

So we know we need to act now, if not sooner. Call it what you will if not Climate Change, I don’t care. Just do something. The developed nations (the western world), the BRIC nations (Brazil, Russia, India China), the developing nations (Africa, South America, etc), just do something because you can. If you want to continue to hide behind politics then make that work for you. Lead the way and you will be rewarded with personal and national health, money ands stability.
Hell Yes
Thanks NASA for the Earthlights pic


Now on a brighter note, and it shouldn’t need to be that, you need to have a look at
Planet Fabulon. Its huge blog site with connections to everywhere and it’s all about style. It’s about ay kind of style for any kind of person. Old clothes and new, old furniture and new, food, music, “the Arts”, you name it. Please! take a few moments to go there now, Bookmark it in your browser and go back from time to time and I promise you the time of your interweb curiosity life. You can stay a minute or an hour and find something FABULOUS.


I remember people running around for 20 years saying Afghanistan was Russia's Vietnam.I remember hearing members of the broad political left across Australia and the western world saying bomb Binladen if you really must, then get out afterwards. I remember folks saying Sadam was a minor player on the world stage but a major controller in Iraq, leave him be. Woolfie, Rumsfeld, Pearle and the Jewish extreme right in the US didn't listen. A favourite of mine is the wonderful Maureen Dowd. Whether I agree with her or not she is an American commentator extraordinaire. I have referred to her before and here she is again.
Have a look at this article and see what you think. Thankyou New York Times

Pictures and notes to finish the calendar year.


Here’s a picture of a lovely couple at Melbourne’s recent Beyond Party. It’s a little sexist (or is that patronising) of me to include it here and I hope I’m not treading on to much copyright but I find this picture gently pleasing. It’s a bit sensuous but not gratuitous. Who ever you are, you are very handsome.


Finally I’d like to (commercially) perhaps point you to Youtube to look at this 5+ min clip or the wonderful remix of I Just Wanna F*kin Dance (from Jerry Springer the Opera) sung by the great Alison Jiear. The original 3 minute song can be found here also but the way the video clip for the remix has been put together is just a joy to watch and 90s style high energy remix is pretty damn foot tapping even if it’s normally your type of music.

(If it doesn't work for you go to YouTube and search Alison Jiear and select the dance remix)


If you get I Santa or Hanukkah or some other take on the northern hemispherical winter solstices and manage a few days break or celebration, have the best you can. And do yourselves a favour, try not to limit it for a day or a week, have a go at goodwill to all for a whole year.


And remember NEVER be afraid to say WhaTFIT! (What The F**k is That?)
Expect an answer.