Saturday, July 18, 2009

Moon Landings, Cullens, Speeding, You're responsilble

Well it’s been a little while since you last heard from me. I’ve had a nasty little cold which forced me to miss the Jersey Boys musical here in Melbourne. Imagine my annoyance. It takes a bit to make me voluntarily miss the theatre. No matter I’ve re-booked for 6 weeks time.

But I went to a truly splendid dinner last week hosted by Cullen Wines of Margaret River in Western Australia held at the Taxi restaurant in Federation Square here in Melbourne. We had glorious food, and my favourite was the salmon smoked in hickory wood chips. This taste was something special, something like I’ve never had before, and I’ve tried a lot of food over the years. My two wondrous girlfriends and I (and some other ordinary humans) were hosted by the lovely Vanya Cullen. Daughter of the original planters, this woman knows her stuff when it comes to grape magic. And like the earth the vines grow in she’s fertile in mind and rubenesque in body. Goodo I say, no one likes a foodie-plonko to be a stick insect.

I’m going to leave you to investigate the links in the text for more detail. But look at this picture of Vanya. It should spike your interest.

Now its bitch about something time. It’s time to say that I’m just so sick of people not taking responsibility for themselves and their actions. Here’s some examples:

A. I was listening to a couple of guys on late night Joy Radio saying how bad concert [and sport] ticket scalping is; what a rip of it is. Know what boys – if someone is stupid enough to pay scalpers prices they deserve to be ripped off. In typical generation X fashion they were talking about people just having to go see someone in concert. Wrong – no one HAS to go. Truth be told you can probably buy a DVD with better sound and vision than a 10,000 seat convertible basketball stadium. If people didn’t pay scalper prices the scalper market would collapse. After one or two big looses they’d just give up. You people who buy from them make the market what it is.

B. Recently here in Melbourne a father committed suicide after allegedly brutalising a small baby. Once again the Community Services Dept are at fault and children need more protection – at tax payer expense. Wrong again – the community can only do so much. The rest is about parents taking responsibility for their own actions. And that’s most of the time. Occasionally one thing will slip through the net and that’s sad but human tragedy; the way it always has been.

C. There’s an increase in speed cameras. Guess what? It’s apparently a revenue raiser. I guess that fact that it saves lives only matters if it’s someone you know and love. Were you really speeding, taking the risk of the fine? Yes? Well guess what? It’s your problem. Deal with it, pay up or don’t speed. There might a faulty camera but mostly not so don’t reel out that old line. Would I like it? No way, I’d hate getting the fine, but I have to take responsibility for my own actions. Generally women drive slower than men, guess what – they get less fines and have less serious accidents – Golly.

About this time it’s the 40th anniversary of the Yanks landing on the moon. I’m leaving aside Capricorn One and the other conspiracy theories, that’s up to you to decide on. In the meantime you could go to for some slightly blue giggles about what Neil said when he landed. Or you could go to and follow the links to the blog and the 25 things you [probably] didn’t know about Apollo 11 and the journey.

Here’s a few tempting morsels of info though:

1. The Computers on Apollo 11 had LESS power than today’s mobile phones.

2. Mike Collins, in the craft orbiting overhead lost the guys on tranquillity base. Well he didn’t exactly loose them; they just didn’t land anywhere near where they were supposed to. Mission control asked him if he’d given up looking and in good old Ameri-speak he said “affirmative”.

3. Since 1981 the Pentagon’s annual space budget has been bigger than NASAs. This actually made me laugh out loud when I read it.

If that doesn’t whet your appetite to find out more you probably weren’t interested in the first place.

Moving right along then, I see more mindless idiots are blowing up hotels in Indonesia, thought to be in name of some sort of Islamic god. You know I have great pity for these suicide bombers. They are so weak willed that they allow themselves to be brainwashed into believing this I a good thing. I can’t hate them, they are just so piss weak it’s not possible to say it’s their own fault. Now their brainwashers - that’s a different story. These people know good greedy manipulating when they see it. It makes them lots of money too! The only other reason possible is ego. Funny how both likelihoods are share this domain of the good Christian and Jewish fanatic, people who minions are also mindlessly and easily manipulated.

How sad. These religions once gave the world wonderful joys. Islam once had the biggest libraries and universities in the world – open to and shared with all. They built glorious buildings, just like Christians once did, albeit not always on the highest hill around town. The Jews taught the rest of the world much about survival and fabulous food.

All this greed is such a waste. I suspect it’s partly human nature too. So, do I expect to get fire bombed here at home – maybe, or have the Christians demonstrating at my front gate perhaps? Still it would tell me that someone is paying attention. Wonder if any of this would since in though?